Enviaments recents
Ítem Desconegut Pollution and premature deindustrialization: examining the effects of black carbon on manufacturing employment in developing countries(2024-06-08) Vilio, Adam; Sexton, Emmett; Chaar, Tania; Bester, Jan
Ítem Desconegut Does monetary policy impact innovation? Evidence from the euro area(2024-06-07) Pio Tripodi, Vincenzo; Martin, Fausto; Nikolskii, Nikita; De Kuyper, Derk
Ítem Desconegut Investing in tomorrow's paychecks: the link between education spending and wages in Dominican Republic(2024) Rodriguez, Alejandro; Zhou Wu, Jiaxian; Bakker, Mees; Rauth, Nicolas; Mungale, Vaishnavi
Ítem Accés Obert The structural presumption in horizontal merger review: evidence from Monte Carlo experiments(2024-05-28) Bernardini, Davide; Wohlleben, Matt
Ítem Accés Obert A tale of two tides: comparing the price effect of market concentration and alliances in the container shipping market(2024-06) Cuka, Patrick; Villacorta, Raúl
Ítem Accés Obert Household indebtedness and the effectiveness of monetary policy: evidence from the Eurozone(2024-06-10) Frigerio, Lucía; Magnífico, Luciano
Ítem Accés Obert Inflation in the face of weather shocks: evidence from Germany, India and Spain(2024-06-10) Hegarty, Ronan; Kanagaraj, Pavitra
Ítem Accés Obert Electricity prices during the energy crisis in Germany: the role of market power(2024-06-02) Saile, Anna; Fladung, Till
Ítem Accés Obert Optimizing emissions reduction: green hydrogen subsidies vs. Grid Interconnection in Texas(2024-06) Araya, Fernando; Bockhold, Marcus; Marano Suffern, Nazarena
Ítem Accés Obert The impact of Brexit on research and development(2024-06) Coughlan, James; Hewett, Timothy; Pla Farriol, Eduard
Ítem Accés Obert Do early pension withdrawals reduce labour supply?: evidence from Australia’s pandemic response(2024-06) Lane, Oscar; Liu, Mingji
Ítem Accés Obert Shaken foundations: the impact of the 2007 Perú earthquake on human capital accumulation(2023-06) Leslie, Cathal; Tillo, David; Morris, Harry; Castillo, Lakshmi; Atazona, Luke; Cheeseman, William
Ítem Accés Obert Banking crisis prediction: exploring the role of text-based indicators(2023-06-12) Hunter, Timothy; Garcia Aguilar, Ferran
Ítem Accés Obert The impact of a minimum wage increase on labour market outcomes: evidence from the northern Mexican border(2023-06) Ríos Juaristi, Silvia; Easterling, Joe; Torres Rojas, Inés; Contreras Contreras, Jimena
Ítem Accés Obert Fiscal insurance during financial distress: the case of Belgian sovereign debt in the 21st century(2023-06-12) Alturki, Deema; Bernstein, Emil; Lara White, Isabela
Ítem Accés Obert Public and private investment in BEV charging infrastructure and spillover effects(2023-07) Frønsdal, Karianne; Recusani, Susanna
Ítem Accés Obert The competitiveness of battery storage in the electricity market(2023-06-29) Gray, Danny; Rojas, Matías
Ítem Accés Obert Evaluating the impact of competition and spillover effects in crowdfunding markets(2023-06) Guest, Natalie; Deighton, Liam
Ítem Accés Obert From trade winds to tsunamis: examining the effects of China's WTO integration on Chilean SMEs(2023-06) Arellano Baeza, Daniela; Babu, Dayitha; Gené, Blanca; Seberini, Daniella; Weathersby, Elizabeth
Ítem Accés Obert EC's methodology in Ryanair/Aer Lingus applied to Jetblue/Spirit: a review of merger analysis in airline markets(2023-06) Pinent Sans, Immaculada; Freixa Martínez, Joan