El RSF Kobol es un sintetizador análogico monofónico de los años 80 diseñado
por la empresa francesa RSF (Ruben y Serge Fernandez), del cual se estima que tras su
salida al mercado en 1978 se fabricaron menos de 200 ...
El problema de l’estructura no r ́ıgida del moviment ha despertat un gran inter`es per la
comunitat de la visi ́o comunit`aria. Aquest problema ́es recuperar el moviment din`amic 3D d’un
conjunt de traject`ories 2D que ...
Con el paso del tiempo, la tecnología ha ido evolucionando en distintas ramas,
y una de las que se encuentra en auge hoy en día es la Realidad Aumentada (AR).
Desde un punto de vista generalizado dentro del mundo de AR ...
Actualment ens trobem en el 2021, un any en el que tothom s’ha hagut de modernitzar,
ja que o ens adaptàvem a la situació o ens moríem amb les velles costums. Hem passat
d’anar a la universitat dia si i dia també, a fer ...
La transformación de nuestro modelo de producción en uno responsable, ético y
sostenible es fundamental para reducir la pobreza, la desigualdad y frenar el desastre
climático. A pesar de la creciente conciencia entre ...
The study of the subtle changes musicians introduce when playing a piece has
been an area of interest in the past decades. As new and more powerful machines
are available, we can build models that imitate these changes. ...
Self-driving cars have gained popularity in recent years. The increase in computational power coupled with big data has enabled the application of artificial intelligence in such complex areas as driving. Specifically, it ...
Educational technology, or EdTech, has grown in importance in the past few years. The
adoption of digital tools in class has become widespread in schools, and the analysis of
the actions of students is one of the uses. ...
Electromagnetism is one of the pillars of our universe. It represents a base for
mostly all modern technologies. It is a well defined and understood theory, that has
been proven over the years since its inception. ...
In the paper Decoding Natural Sounds in Early “Visual” Cortex of Congenitally
Blind Individuals published in 2020 by Lukasz Bola and Petra Vetter, it was observed that it is possible to classify auditory stimuli in the ...
This project is focused in the development of automated assessment tools for the
support of musical instrument learning, concretely drums learning. The state of
the art on music performance assessment has advanced in the ...
Las herramientas de Learnign Design ayudan a los docentes a crear
mejores experiencias para los alumnos durante los cursos académicos.
edCrumble pertenece a este tipo de herramientas. La falta de conexión
de esta con ...
Nowadays, with the increasing amount of user-generated data available online in micro-blogging services like Twitter, the human behavior of wondering what other people think has become an important field of study. Sentiment ...
Originalment l'instrument Theremin es componia d'un circuit elèctric el qual produïa
certes notes amb l'ajuda d'una antena per la freqüència i una pel volum convertint-se així
en el primer instrument que es podia tocar ...
Automatic Image Description is one of the most signi cant problems in Arti cial
Intelligence, which consists of text synthesis for describing visual scenes. One of
its main applications is to assist blind people in ...
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és descriure amb exactitud els temperaments musicals més importants al llarg de la història i les matemàtiques que s’hi amaguen al darrere, a més de desenvolupar possibles variants en els sistemes ...
Els centres d’empresa de Caixabank són les oficines on els clients principals són
empreses. En l’actualitat, el risc de patir activitats de frau, sobretot a una entitat com els
bancs, ha crescut de forma desmesurada. ...
During the last decade, there has been research on many context-based Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Window-on-the-World (WoW) is known as
the most extended AR paradigm when it comes to embodied AR interaction.
N ...
Remote photoplethysmography consists in measuring the blood pulse of a subject
given a video signal of, for example, his/her face. The progress made in this area
has been very beneficial for human emotion study from the ...
Assessment of performance in music have been used frequently in learning
and teaching areas. Automate this process involves the study and
analysis of different key-points and its particular features. This kind of
assessment ...