Una yincana en la biblioteca del campus como evaluación eficaz de competencia digital en primer curso del grado


  • Díaz Rodríguez L, Casas Vilarmau I, Olmo Ibáñez MT. Una yincana en la biblioteca del campus como evaluación eficaz de competencia digital en primer curso del grado. En: Di Vita A, Lorenzo Álvarez C, Onrubia Martínez V, editors. Aportaciones al conocimiento actual desde la enseñanza superior. Barcelona: Ediciones OCTAEDRO; 2023. p. 178-87.

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    In this paper we present the results of an innovative teaching experience carried out in the first year of Applied Language degree at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Within the methodological framework of problem-solving methodology and gamification, a team-teaching experience that involved a faculty teacher and a librarian was put into practice aiming to improve the use of ITC for bibliographical searching, as well as the familiarity with the library premises, staff, and library procedures. The format of the experience reported was a gymkhana, and the funding action was a competitive Placlik annual call 2021-22. Together with the gymkhana (which acted as treatment device), a multiple-choice pretest (before the gymkhana), and a posttest (given four weeks later), both on library procedures and bibliographical searching, were administered to the same group of students of Spanish Language (N=37). A pilot study was conducted previously to test the adequacy of items to FTCL first year students’ profile (N=29). Quantitative results obtained from the comparison of pretest and post-test show a significant improvement after the gymkhana. Qualitative results obtained from a peer-podcast task which was part of the evaluation procedures of the course also revealed a positive assessment of the experience by students.
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