Dem@Home: ambient intelligence for clinical support of people living with dementia
Dem@Home: ambient intelligence for clinical support of people living with dementia
- Andreadis S, Stavropoulos TG, Meditskos G, Kompatsiaris I. Dem@Home: Ambient intelligence for clinical support of people living with dementia. In: Stavropoulos T, Meditskos G, Bikakis A, editors. SEMPER 2016: Semantic web technologies for mobile and pervasive environments. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Mobile and Pervasive Environments co-located with the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016); 2016 May 29; Heraklion (Greece). [place unknown]: CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2016. p. 27-36.
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With the ever-growing prevalence of dementia, nursing costs are in-creasing, while the ability to live independently vanishes. Dem@Home is an ambient assisted living framework to support independent living while receiv-ing intelligent clinical care. Dem@Home integrates a variety of ambient and wearable sensors together with sophisticated, interdisciplinary methods of im-age and semantic analysis. Semantic Web technologies, such as OWL 2, are ex-tensively employed to represent sensor observations and application domain specifics as well as to implement hybrid activity recognition and problem detec-tion. Complete with tailored user interfaces, clinicians are provided with accu-rate monitoring of multiple life aspects, such as physical activity, sleep, com-plex daily tasks and clinical problems, leading to adaptive non-pharmaceutical interventions. The method has been already validated for both recognition per-formance and improvement on a clinical level, in four home pilots.Descripció
Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Mobile and Pervasive Environments co-located with the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016); 2016 May 29; Heraklion (Greece).