A preverbal landing site for quantificational operators
A preverbal landing site for quantificational operators
- Vallduví E. A preverbal landing site for quantificational operators. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics. 1992;2:319-43
Enllaç permanent
[Spec, IP] is a position specifically devoted to the overt structural encoding of quantificational operators in Catalan. Preverbal existential and universal quantifiers and wh-words in wh-questions appear in this slot. The facts are the following: (a) wh-words in wh-questions (e.g. Eguzkitza (1987). Campos (1986) and preverbal negative universal quantifiers (Laka (1991) are left-adjacent to the verbal string and appear below C and left-detachments; (b) [+operator] quantifiers optionally appear in a derived preverbal slot that meets the same profile (Quer (1991), and (c) adopting the VOS hypothesis (cf. Rossell6 (lm), Bonet (1990). [Spec, IP], which is left-adjacent to the verbal string and below C and left-detachments, is now empty and available.