We respond to Rodríguez Arrizabalaga’s recent claim that Spanish
shows genuine cases of strong resultative constructions, e.g. Juan apuñaló a Tomás
hasta la muerte ‘John stabbed Tom to death’, argued to be equivalent to the English
construction with the PP to death. This claim is theoretically relevant as it challenges the verb-framed behavior of Spanish with respect to Talmy’s typology.
Adopting a constructivist view of argument structure, we argue that Spanish hasta
la muerte and English to ...
We respond to Rodríguez Arrizabalaga’s recent claim that Spanish
shows genuine cases of strong resultative constructions, e.g. Juan apuñaló a Tomás
hasta la muerte ‘John stabbed Tom to death’, argued to be equivalent to the English
construction with the PP to death. This claim is theoretically relevant as it challenges the verb-framed behavior of Spanish with respect to Talmy’s typology.
Adopting a constructivist view of argument structure, we argue that Spanish hasta
la muerte and English to death constructions of this type involve two completely
distinct syntactic configurations, and that only the English to death PP can be
regarded as a resultative phrase. We claim that the Spanish hasta PP is syntactically computed as an adjunct external to the argument structure of the predicate
and provides a boundary to the predicate it merges with. We thus show that the
Spanish construction with hasta la muerte fully conforms to the class of Talmy’s
verb-framed languages in that this type of construction is expected to be fully
available and productive in this class of languages.