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Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open audio datasets

Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open audio datasets

Document Type: Speech/Conference communication
Version: Published version
Date: 2017
This document is associated with a Creative Common license © Eduardo Fonseca, Jordi Pons, Xavier Favory, Frederic Font, Dmitry Bogdanov, Andres Ferraro, Sergio Oramas, Alastair Porter, Xavier Serra. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Attribution: Eduardo Fonseca, Jordi Pons, Xavier Favory, Frederic Font, Dmitry Bogdanov, Andres Ferraro, Sergio Oramas, Alastair Porter, Xavier Serra. “Freesound Datasets: A
platform for the creation of open audio datasets”, 18th International Society
for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Suzhou, China, 2017.

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