Anàlisi de les veus del poliedre de les aules d’acollida
Anàlisi de les veus del poliedre de les aules d’acollida
Enllaç permanent
El 2004 van néixer les aules d’acollida per a promoure la igualtat d’oportunitats i la cohesió social. Onze anys després s’han volgut conèixer les experiències i les opinions dels agents de l’aula d’acollida: alumnes, exalumnes i professorat de tres centres de Barcelona, mitjançant la investigació qualitativa amb observacions a l’aula, enquestes i entrevistes.
The current context of Catalonia in terms of immigration poses a complex challenge in integrating new immigrants into the educational system of immersion. As a result from a wave of migration to Catalonia, in 2004 aules d’acollida (reception classes) were born in order to promote equal opportunities and social cohesion, with the backbone of Catalan language. Eleven years later we want to know the experiences and opinions of the agents of the aules d’acollida, by students, alumni and teachers of three schools in Barcelona: Marillac School, Ramon Llull School and Ernest Lluch High-school, through qualitative research with classroom observations, surveys and interviews. The results taken from students are favorable to the integration process of the Catalan language and culture, but lacks more intercultural exchanges at school. According to the teachers interviewed, the difficulty of adaptation for newcomers is conditioned by age, language and culture of origin and family and emotional situation, as well conceived the integration has been well conceived beyond the classroom. Thus, this study has enabled the task of reassessing the reception classes regarding the integration of newcomers to the Catalan education system. Key words: reception classes, linguistic immersion, integration and social cohesion.Descripció
Treball de fi de grau en Llengües Aplicades
Tutora: Maria del Carme Bach Martorell