A semantic model of selective dissemination of information for digital libraries
A semantic model of selective dissemination of information for digital libraries
- Morales J, Pedraza R, Ruíz A, Peis E, Herrera E. A semantic model of selective dissemination of information for digital libraries. Information Technology and Libraries. 2009; 28(1): 21-30
Enllaç permanent
In this paper we present the theoretical and methodological/nfoundations for the development of a multi-agent/nSelective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service/nmodel that applies Semantic Web technologies for specialized/ndigital libraries. These technologies make possible/nachieving more efficient information management,/nimproving agent–user communication processes, and/nfacilitating accurate access to relevant resources. Other/ntools used are fuzzy linguistic modelling techniques/n(which make possible easing the interaction between/nusers and system) and natural language processing/n(NLP) techniques for semiautomatic thesaurus generation./nAlso, RSS feeds are used as “current awareness bulletins”/nto generate personalized bibliographic alerts.Col·leccions
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