Relació entre el nivell de competència escrita i comprensiva en llengua materna i llengua estrangera a sisè de primària
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- Sánchez Bruguera, Laiaca
- dc.contributor.other Cañada Pujols, Maria Dolors
- 2015-01-23T13:59:43Z
- 2015-01-23T13:59:43Z
- 2014
- dc.description.abstract El treball pretén analitzar si existeix una relació entre el nivell de competència en llengua materna i en llengua estrangera per intentar demostrar si s’estableix una correspondència entre la competència dels parlants en les diferents llengües. Per fer-ho, es van analitzar els resultats de les proves de competències bàsiques de 46 alumnes de sisè de primà
- dc.description.abstract For many years it has been studied the way humans acquire a language, whether it is a/nfirst or second one. Research in this field has shown that there is a wide range of factors/naffecting the acquisition, such as social ones (the language status) and individual ones/n(the subject’s motivation, his or her cognitive abilities, etc.). Many authors (Muñoz,/n2000; Chumbow, 1984; Cummins, 1979) have observed the important role that a first/nlanguage (L1) plays in the acquisition of a foreign language (L2); in particular, it has/nbeen endorsed (and in some cases demonstrated) that those subjects presenting a high/ncompetence in L1 also show a high competence level in L2 (Muñoz, 2000)./nThe aim of this project is, in fact, to study the relationship between a speaker’s first/nlanguage (L1) competence and the competence showed in a foreign language (L3, as the/nsubjects analyzed are bilingual); the final aim is trying to demonstrate if there is a/ncorrespondence between the speakers’ competence in their languages, that is, if the/nsubjects who show a high competence in L1 also tend to have a similar competence/nlevel in L3. To carry out this study, a sample of 46 primary school children aged/nbetween 11 and 12 years old was analyzed to determine if there was any correspondence/nin competence in their languages./nThe results showed that a 52% of the subjects did accomplish the hypothesis, while a/n28% of the students showed a poorer competence in their L3 despite having a good/ncompetence in their L1. However, a higher and more wide-ranged number of samples/n(that could be the subject of further studies) should be taken into account in order to/ncontribute to the definitive confirmation of the hypothesis.
- dc.format.mimetype application/pdfca
- dc.identifier.uri
- dc.language.iso catca
- dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spainca
- dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessca
- dc.rights.uri
- dc.subject.keyword Written competence
- dc.subject.keyword First language
- dc.subject.keyword Foreign language
- dc.subject.other Llengua materna i educacióca
- dc.subject.other Llengua segona -- Adquisició -- Ensenyamentca
- dc.title Relació entre el nivell de competència escrita i comprensiva en llengua materna i llengua estrangera a sisè de primàriaca
- dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisca