Collaborative learning designs using PyramidApp: computer supported collaborative learning in classroom sessions
Collaborative learning designs using PyramidApp: computer supported collaborative learning in classroom sessions
- Amarasinghe I, Hernández-Leo D, Manatunga K, Beardsley M, Bosch Garcia J, Carrió Llach M, Chacón-Pérez J, Jimenez-Morales M, Llanos Santos D, Lope Pastor S, Martinez Moreno J, Santos Rodriguez P, Vujovic M. Collaborative learning designs using PyramidApp: computer supported collaborative learning in classroom sessions. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI). 2021 Sep;5:[10 p.].
Enllaç permanent
Designing effective collaborative learning activities for classroom is challenging. The PyramidApp is a tool that facilitates the implementation of the Pyramid pattern, shaping a collaboration structure that promotes the participation of all students and fruitful social interactions. This paper shows how this educational strategy can be applied to different types of tasks and subject matters, shedding light about how computer-supported collaborative learning can be incorporated in the classroom.Descripció
Comunicació presentada a: XI Congrés CIDUI 2021 celebrat del 29 de juny al 2 de juliol de 2021 de manera virtual.