L'impacte de les noves tecnologies en el sector editorial

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  • dc.contributor.author Mula Díaz, Marinaca
  • dc.contributor.other Badia i Cardús, Antoni
  • dc.date.accessioned 2015-01-20T15:06:24Z
  • dc.date.available 2015-01-20T15:06:24Z
  • dc.date.issued 2014
  • dc.description.abstract Recerca sobre la situació actual del sector editorial a partir de l'aparició dels diferents dispositius electrònics de lectura. Una visió general dels canvis que ha viscut aquest sector, la presencia de la industria a Internet i els diferents aspectes dels dispositius electrònics de lectura com el format, preus i els drets digitals.ca
  • dc.description.abstract This project is a descriptive research work about the situation of the publishing industry due to the /nchanges that has suffered because of new technologies, particularly due to the rise of the electronic /nreading devices such as e-readers and tablets. It is a summary of the changes suffered by this sector, the presence of the publishing industry on the Internet and different aspects of e-reading such as their format, the price of books and the devices and the digital rights management. Moreover, we /nfocus on the characteristic aspects of e-readers and the main models that can be found in the /nmarket and also an overview in the particular case of Amazon's Kindle and the library model /ncreated by Google Books. After this exploration and the results extracted of the survey made, we /nnotice that readers have not increased their reading habits because of the digital devices but they are /nliving an stabilizing situation after these important changes and the data show that readers have not /nforgotten traditional books and in the future these devices will change again becoming different /ndevices or ways of reading.
  • dc.format.mimetype application/pdfca
  • dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10230/23054
  • dc.language.iso catca
  • dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spainca
  • dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessca
  • dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/ca
  • dc.subject.keyword E-reader
  • dc.subject.keyword E-book
  • dc.subject.keyword Editorial
  • dc.subject.keyword Technology
  • dc.subject.other Editorials
  • dc.subject.other Empreses -- Direcció i administració -- Estudi de casos
  • dc.subject.other Tecnologia -- Innovacions -- Aspectes econòmics
  • dc.title L'impacte de les noves tecnologies en el sector editorialca
  • dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisca