Online weak ties, a sign of a diaspora in-the-making? The case of the Malagasy abroad
Online weak ties, a sign of a diaspora in-the-making? The case of the Malagasy abroad
- Andrianimanana FM, Roca Cuberes C. Online weak ties, a sign of a diaspora in-the-making? The case of the Malagasy abroad. Sociologija. 2019 Oct 7;61(4):631-43. DOI: 10.2298/SOC1904631M
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Internet 2.0 fosters the emergence, connection and association of a geographically dispersed community such as Malagasy migrants. This exploratory study analyses Malagasy online practices as a means to understanding the social dynamics and community-building in their host countries. The method employed relies on a parallel analysis of 121 websites and 82 Facebook public pages and groups created and/or managed by Malagasy migrants. The websites are classified according to the category of their activity and the networks they form, based on method used in the e-Diasporas Atlas project (Diminescu, 2012). Findings reveal that Malagasy overseas have the same geographical distribution both online and offline, but Facebook pages and groups are present in more countries than the websites what suggests a potential inverse correlation between belonging to a larger community and the need to be connected online. The network analysis of the websites uncovers that the Malagasy migrants’ websites maintain a very weak connection among them and are split into several satellite networks around an interconnected group of political blogs. We conclude this significant weak connection among the MGWEB as a sign of a diaspora in-the making.
Internet 2.0 podstiče nastajanje, povezivanje i udruživanje geografski rasutih zajednica poput madagarskarskih migranata. U ovoj eksplorativnoj studiji se kroz analizu onlajn praksi Madagaskaraca objašnjava društvena dinamika i građenje zajednice u okviru njihovih zemalja domaćina. Metodologija rada se oslanja na paralelnu analizu 121 veb stranice i 82 javne Fejsbuk stranice i grupa kreiranih i/ili administriranih od strane madagaskarskih migranata. Na temelju pristupa korišćenog u projektu e-Diasporas Atlas (Diminescu, 2012) veb stranice su klasifikovane u kategorije prema aktivnostima i mrežama koje formiraju. Rezultati su pokazali da Madagaskarci koji žive u inostranstvu imaju istu geografsku distribuciju onlajn i oflajn, s tim da su Fejsbuk stranice i grupe prisutnije u više zemalja u odnosu na veb stranice što ukazuje na potencijalnu negativnu korelaciju između pripadnosti većoj zajednici i potrebe za onlajn povezanošću. Mrežna analiza veb sajtova je pokazala da madagaskarski migranti putem svojih veb sajtova održavaju veoma slabe veze kao i da su raspodeljeni u nekoliko satelitskih mreža okupljenih oko međusobno povezane grupe političkih blogova. Zaključak naše studije je da je ustanovljena povezanost putem slabih veza među MGWEB znak dijaspore u nastajanju.Col·leccions
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