Die Präsenz des steirischen Dialekts im Internet
Die Präsenz des steirischen Dialekts im Internet
Enllaç permanent
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Präsenz deutscher Dialekte im Internet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem österreichischen Dialekt Steirisch liegt. Es wird untersucht, in welchem Maße dieser Dialekt im Rahmen der Kommunikation via Internet verwendet wird
The new media technology has completely changed the way people/ninteract with each other and these new methods of communication have/nalso influenced the use of languages and therefore the need of analysing/nits influence. This paper presents an example of these changes: the use/nof a written version of a dialect –which according to the main definitions/nof this word is an oral expression of a language– on the computer/nmediated communication. The chosen regional variety of a language is/nthe Austrian dialect of Styria. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the/nwritten use of the Styrian dialect among people born in this state in their/ndaily computer mediated communication through emails and social/nmedia, for instance Facebook, in contrast with standard German. In/norder to carry out this analysis a survey by Internet was conducted, in/nwhich survey respondents were asked about their speaking and writing/nhabits, for example when they speak in the university with professors or/nwhen they write messages to friends. The results show that the dialect/nform is often used. Speakers, who admitted to write in dialect, switch/nbetween standard and dialect depending on the recipient of their/nmessage. These conclusions point out that the new media, especially the/nsocial media, has motivated a written version of the dialect of StyriaParaules clau
Comunicació -- Innovacions tecnològiques, Llenguatge i llengües, Comunicació oral, Comunicació escrita