Coherent delta-band oscillations between cortical areas correlate with decision making


  • Nácher V, Ledberg A, Deco G, Romo R. Coherent delta-band oscillations between cortical areas correlate with decision making. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2013 Sep 10;110(37);15085-90. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1314681110

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  • Resum

    Coherent oscillations in the theta-to-gamma frequency range have/nbeen proposed as a mechanism that/ncoordinates neural activity/nin large-scale cortical networks i/nn sensory, motor, and cognitive/ntasks. Whether this mechanism also involves coherent oscillations/nat delta frequencies (1/n–/n4 Hz) is not known. Rather, delta oscilla-/ntions have been associated with slow-wave sleep. Here, we show/ncoherent oscillations in the delta frequency band between parietal/nand frontal cortices during the decision-making component of a so-/nmatosensory discrimination task. Importantly, the magnitude of/nthis delta-band coherence is modulated by the different decision/nalternatives. Furthermore, during control conditions not requiring/ndecision making, delta-band coherences are typically much reduced./nOur work indicates an important role for synchronous activity in/nthe delta frequency band when large-scale, distant cortical net-/nworks coordinate their neural activity during decision making.
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