System-level performance of interference alignment
System-level performance of interference alignment
- Mungara RK, Morales-Jimenez D, Lozano A. System-level performance of interference alignment. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commununications. 2015; 14(2): 1060-70. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2014.2363677
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Capitalizing on the analytical potency of stochastic/ngeometry and on some new ideas to model intercell interference,/nthis paper presents analytical expressions that enable quantifying/nthe spectral efficiency of IA (interference alignment) in cellular/nnetworks without the need for simulation. From these expressions,/nthe benefits of IA are characterized. Even under favorable/nassumptions, IA is found to be beneficial only in very specific and/nrelatively infrequent network situations, and a blanket utilization/nof IA is found to be altogether detrimental. Applied only in the/nappropriate situations, IA does bring about benefits that are/nsignificant for the users involved but relatively small in terms of/naverage spectral efficiency for the entire system.