La ideologia en els contes populars dels germans Grimm

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    L’objectiu d’aquest treball és veure què ens diuen cinc contes populars dels germans Grimm (Caperucita Roja, Hänsel y Gretel, Rapónchigo, El lobo y los siete cabritillos i Pulgarcito) a través dels discursos així com observar quins valors morals ens donen i si aquests tenen alguna correlació amb estudis psicològics previs i els valors actuals.
    It is amazing how speeches can have an influence in our lives if they make reference to culture and moral values, including fairy tales. That is why the aim of this project is to see what fairy tales communicate to us through speeches and to observe which morals values give us; whether they have any correlation with previous psychological studies and current values. In order to decide which stories to analyze, six were taken from reference lists of Internet, containing the ranking of the most popular fairy tales of Grimm brothers. Thus, the chosen were Caperucita Roja, Hänsel y Gretel, Rapónchigo, El lobo y los siete cabritillos and Pulgarcito. In these five fairy tales, there were found some concepts in common. The analysis, therefore, was based on these five elements: family, forest, villain, food and nature. The results suggest that the five elements analyzed are interrelated. Regarding the results, one can realize that the ideal family is a persistent stereotype: the father is who works, whereas the mother is a housewife, with a secondary role (tied, however, to food), and children are the heroes who have been able to defeat the evil. Moreover, there is a recurring contrast between family and home, and between the forest and the villain. This character also has a strong link to food in the case of the witch. Nature does not always play a significant role in these stories. As a conclusion, the objective is accomplished but it is necessary to extent the analysis in order to have a wider and deeper vision of fairy tales ideology written by Grimm brothers.
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    Anàlisi del discurs -- Aspectes psicològics, Contes de fades -- Alemanya
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