Detecció de problemes terminològics en la traducció del /ncatalà a l’anglès de cartes i menús de diferents restaurants

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  • dc.audience.educationlevel Estudis de grauca
  • González Piera, Albaca
  • 2013-11-08T15:44:00Z
  • 2013-11-08T15:44:00Z
  • 2012-06
  • dc.description.abstract Aquest treball ens endinsa en la terminologia culinària i en les dificultats que sorgeixen en la transferència d'elements culturals. A través de l'anàlisi de cartes i menús, s'exposen els onze elements més rellevants que permeten reflexionar sobre la manca de dades que proporcionin solucions o orientacions en el procés traductolò
  • dc.description.abstract One aspect of translation that has scarcely been studied is the culinary terminology and /nthe difficulties that emerge when trying to transfer intrinsic cultural items from one /nlanguage into others. Despite some gastronomic dictionaries offer translation options, /nthere is not a considerable amount of data that provides helpful information on how to /ntransfer the information, to solve the problems and to choose the ‘best solutions’. In this /nproject, I expose the eleven most relevant aspects that I consider necessary to take into /nconsideration when translating. Through an analysis of the cartes and menus from a /nselection of the best Spanish restaurants—holding at least one Michelin star—, I /ndetected and extracted the translation errors, the diversity of strategies and techniques to /nsolve the cultural problems, and the variety of solutions adopted. In addition, I /ncompared the different strategies among the restaurants and I evaluated these strategies /nthus verifying whether they accomplished their objective of proximity to the target /nclient. This project does not present final results that show definitive solutions either a /nsingle way of transferring cultural information when translating, but it rather presents /nsome terminology aspects—like the international importance of French in the /ngastronomic field—and exposes other translating possibilities. For instance, when /ndealing with the choice between the exoticism that provides a borrowed term or the /n/nnaturalization. Finally, I must say that this work is open to further research, given that I /njust selected some of the aspects I considered were more repetitive and thus in my /n/nopinion were more relevant.en
  • dc.format.mimetype application/pdfca
  • dc.identifier.uri
  • dc.language.iso catca
  • dc.rights Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative Commons
  • dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessca
  • dc.rights.uri
  • dc.subject Cuina -- Terminologiaca
  • dc.subject Aliments -- Terminologiaca
  • dc.title Detecció de problemes terminològics en la traducció del /ncatalà a l’anglès de cartes i menús de diferents restaurantsca
  • dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesisca