Anàlisi contrastiva de la cobertura mediàtica del 9-N de la premsa catalana i espanyola

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  • Resum

    El referèndum sobre el futur polític de Catalunya va tenir una gran cobertura mediàtica. Aquest projecte, basat en el supòsit que l'objectivitat total no existeix en els mitjans de comunicació, analitza el discurs de 'El Punt Avui', 'Ara', 'El País' i 'El Mundo’, per tal d’observar les representacions legitimades sobre aquest esdeveniment.
    Over the past few years, the relationship between Catalonia and Spain has deteriorated to/nsuch an extent that in 2014 a referendum about the independence of the Catalan region/nwas held (9-N). The Spanish government strongly objected to the referendum, which was/nconsidered unconstitutional, and therefore, illegal. The event had great media coverage/nboth nationally and internationally. This final project, based on the assumption that total/nobjectivity does not exist in the media, aimed to observe the journalistic discourse that was/ngenerated the day after the 9-N by four newspapers, two in Catalan and two in Spanish (El/nPunt Avui, ARA, El País and El Mundo) in order to see the representations that were/nlegitimized about this event. To do so, we have carried out a critical discourse analysis/n(CDA) on headlines and images referred to the 9-N referendum. As it was expected, the/nanalysis shows that the Catalan newspapers, which announced to be in favour of the/nsovereignty process, see the referendum in a positive light and that Spanish newspapers/nfollow a Spanish unionist trend.
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    Treball de fi de grau en Llengües Aplicades
    Tutora: Montserrat Ribas
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