This paper attempts to answer observed a lack of critical thinking in students. I conducted the study with 7 students of 2nd high school of Biology, and 28 students of 4th compulsory secondary education of Biology and Geology. To encourage critical debate has used techniques such as the use of conversation letters, two debates and a role playing. The debate and the role playing have been adapted in the context of the unit and a consensus has been reached in response to a sociocientific debate. I ...
This paper attempts to answer observed a lack of critical thinking in students. I conducted the study with 7 students of 2nd high school of Biology, and 28 students of 4th compulsory secondary education of Biology and Geology. To encourage critical debate has used techniques such as the use of conversation letters, two debates and a role playing. The debate and the role playing have been adapted in the context of the unit and a consensus has been reached in response to a sociocientific debate. I analyzed the observations in the classroom, the opinions of students, group discussions,
questionnaires and the impressions of my mentor. The results of the educational research conclude that technical debate like a debate and a role playing are needed in the classroom, as they encourage participation, allow knowing different points of view, work content of the curriculum, improve speech and respond to sociocientific debates. And that should improve the use of conversation letters or propose other techniques to successfully argue. However, the study has limitations such as the limited experience of the students with the debate rules, and the time availability.
El present treball intenta donar resposta a una falta de pensament crític observada en els alumnes. S’ha realitzat l’estudi amb 7 alumnes de 2n de batxillerat de Biologia, i 28 alumnes de 4t d’ESO de l’optativa de Biologia i Geologia. Per fomentar l’esperit crític s’han utilitzat tècniques de debat com l’ús de cartes de conversa, dos debats i un joc de rol. Tant el debat com el joc de rol, han estat adaptats en el context de la unitat didàctica i s’ha arribat a un consens per donar resposta a un ...
El present treball intenta donar resposta a una falta de pensament crític observada en els alumnes. S’ha realitzat l’estudi amb 7 alumnes de 2n de batxillerat de Biologia, i 28 alumnes de 4t d’ESO de l’optativa de Biologia i Geologia. Per fomentar l’esperit crític s’han utilitzat tècniques de debat com l’ús de cartes de conversa, dos debats i un joc de rol. Tant el debat com el joc de rol, han estat adaptats en el context de la unitat didàctica i s’ha arribat a un consens per donar resposta a un debat sociocientific. S’han analitzat les observacions a l’aula, les opinions dels alumnes, les
discussions en grup, els qüestionaris i les impressions de la mentora per dur a terme la recerca educativa. Els resultats obtinguts conclouen que tècniques de debat com el debat i el joc de rol són necessàries a l’aula, ja que fomenten la participació, permeten conèixer diferents punts de vista, treballar continguts del currículum, millorar l’expressió i donar resposta a debats sociocientífics. I que caldria millorar l’ús de les cartes de conversa o bé, proposar altres tècniques per argumentar correctament. Tot i així, l’estudi té limitacions com és el cas del poc bagatge dels alumnes amb les normes de debat i la disponibilitat de temps.