Analytical Characterization of ITLinQ: Channel Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Networks


  • Mungara RK, Zhang X, Lozano A, Heath RW. Analytical Characterization of ITLinQ: Channel Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Networks. IEEE T Wirel Commun. 2016; 15 (5): 3603-15. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2016.2523987

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication allows serving local wireless traffic bypassing the system’s/ninfrastructure. One way to control the interference in D2D networks is to carefully channelize/ntransmissions. This paper presents an analytical characterization of ITLinQ, one of the principal D2D/nchannelization schemes proposed to date. Recognizing that it captures well the spatial characteristics/nof D2D networks, a stochastic geometry setting is utilized for this analysis. The derived expressions/nenable gleaning insights on how ITLinQ avoids situations of excessive interference, and they facilitate/noptimizing the controllable parameters of ITLinQ so as to maximize the system spectral efficiency/n(bits/s/Hz per unit area). With the parameters thus optimized, the ultimate performance of ITLinQ can/nbe evaluated with respect to other D2D channel allocation schemes. In particular, performance evaluation/ncomparisons with the FlashLinQ scheme are provided, and the gains with respect to an unchannelized/nnetwork are quantified.
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