Communication mediated by mobile devices is/none of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy and/nis transforming different aspects of our lives, including our/nways of relating and our cultural production, distribution/nand consumption models. Media studies should not ignore/nthese transformations. This paper presents the results of a/nstudy carried out during 2008 to determine the actors, contents/nproduced and trends of the mobile communication/ncompanies in Barcelona. The study outlines ...
Communication mediated by mobile devices is/none of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy and/nis transforming different aspects of our lives, including our/nways of relating and our cultural production, distribution/nand consumption models. Media studies should not ignore/nthese transformations. This paper presents the results of a/nstudy carried out during 2008 to determine the actors, contents/nproduced and trends of the mobile communication/ncompanies in Barcelona. The study outlines an initial map of/nthe situation, proposes a series of analysis categories and/nlays the foundations for more specific future studies on/nmCommunication.