La intersexualitat continua essent un concepte totalment desconegut per a la majoria de la gent. A través de l’ACD hem pogut concloure que els llibres infantils generen i mantenen el discurs dominant que representa una única realitat concreta com la realitat mateixa, invisibilitzant qualsevol altra possibilitat i fent que les persones intersexuals siguin inexistents.
Intersexuality remains unknown for a vast majority of people. Given that from a theoretical and methodological point of view we contemplate that discurse reproduces ideology and that textbooks have been a typical approach in Critical Discourse Analysis, the aim of this study is to analyse children books that teach about the human body. Our corpus data is made up of 12 children books from the ‘sexuality’ section of a public library. Two of these books are analysed thorouglhy in their descriptions ...
Intersexuality remains unknown for a vast majority of people. Given that from a theoretical and methodological point of view we contemplate that discurse reproduces ideology and that textbooks have been a typical approach in Critical Discourse Analysis, the aim of this study is to analyse children books that teach about the human body. Our corpus data is made up of 12 children books from the ‘sexuality’ section of a public library. Two of these books are analysed thorouglhy in their descriptions and images of the human body, the rest are analysed thorough their images, from a Multimodal Critical Discurse Analysis perspective. Our results show that the human body is repeatedly presented only in terms of woman or man, and that the images show an homogeneous body thoroughout all the studied books. We can conclude that children books generate and maintain the dominant discourse representing only a particular reality as reality itself, ignoring and hiding other possibilities. This causes intersexual people to be non-existing. Furthermore, the analysed images show that there is so little variation in bodies that very few may feel reflected by these standards. We hope this study will help to visualise intersexual people and foster other lines of investigation in this field.