Articles (Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI))
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Ítem Accés Obert A moving target: EU actorness and the Russian invasion of Ukraine(Taylor & Francis, 2023) Costa, Oriol; Barbé, Esther
Ítem Accés Obert A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through online surveys(Elsevier, 2024) Iglesias, Patricia A.; Ochoa, Carlos; Revilla, Melanie
Ítem Accés Obert Accountability from the perspective of the forum: citizens’ attitudes towards accountability in Europe(Taylor & Francis, 2016) Pérez Durán, Ixchel
Ítem Accés Obert Administrative innovations and accountability failures: the termination of the Spanish telecommunications agency(Taylor & Francis, 2017) García Juanatey, Ana; Jordana, Jacint; Sancho, David, 1964-
Ítem Accés Obert Agency proliferation and the globalization of the regulatory state: introducing a data set on the institutional features of regulatory agencies(Wiley, 2018) Jordana, Jacint; Fernández i Marín, Xavier; Bianculli, Andrea C.
Ítem Accés Obert All lives are equal but some lives are more equal than others: staff security and civilian protection in the humanitarian sector(Manchester University Press, 2019) Bradley, Miriam
Ítem Accés Obert América Latina en el nuevo escenario internacional: ¿qué espacio hay para el regionalismo y la cooperación regional?(CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), 2024) Bianculli, Andrea C.
Ítem Accés Obert An inflection point or business as usual? Secessionism as state contestation in Ukraine(Oxford University Press, 2024) Sanjaume Calvet, Marc; Daniels, Lesley-Ann
Ítem Accés Obert Analyzing international organizations: how the concepts we use affect the answers we get(Springer, 2022) Roger, Charles B.; Rowan, Sam
Ítem Accés Obert Are EU institutions still green actors? An empirical study of green public procurement(Wiley, 2021) Badell Sánchez, Diego; Rosell i Segura, Jordi
Ítem Accés Obert Are regulatory agencies independent in practice? Evidence from board members in Spain(Wiley, 2016) Fernández i Marín, Xavier; Jordana, Jacint; Bianculli, Andrea C.
Ítem Accés Obert Authoritarian regimes and civil–military relations: explaining counterbalancing in autocracies(SAGE Publications, 2020) Escribà-Folch, Abel; Böhmelt, Tobias; Pilster, Ulrich
Ítem Accés Obert Automation, digitalization, and artificial intelligence in the workplace: implications for political behavior(Annual Reviews, 2022) Gallego Dobón, Aina; Kurer, Thomas
Ítem Accés Obert Badell D. Chasing gender equality norms: the robustness of sexual and reproductive health and rights(SAGE Publications, 2023) Barbé, Esther; Badell Sánchez, Diego
Ítem Accés Obert Beliefs and trade union support for trade liberalisation in the US and the UK: the AFL-CIO and the TUC compared(Springer, 2018) Díez Medrano, Juan
Ítem Accés Obert Big politics, small money: Euroscepticism's diminishing return in EU budget allocations(SAGE Publications, 2022) Sadeh, Tal; Raskin, Yoav; Rubinson, Eyal
Ítem Accés Obert Brexit and territorial preferences: evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland(Oxford University Press, 2021) Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander
Ítem Accés Obert Bridging regionalism and secessionism: territorial autonomy movements in the iberian world(Cambridge University Press, 2021) Vom Hau, Matthias; Srebotnjak, Hana
Ítem Accés Obert Britain’s COVID-19 battle: the role of political leaders in shaping the responses to the pandemic(SAGE Publications, 2023) Thiers, Consuelo; Wehner, Leslie
Ítem Accés Obert Broken consensus in the fight for the soul of europe(Centre d'Informació i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona, 2019) Holesch, Adam, 1977-; Pasetti, Francesco