Articles (Departament d'Economia)
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Ítem Accés Obert 6th International Accounting Congress of Barcelona (1929) organised by the Association of Accountants of Catalonia(OmniaScience, 2017) Alemany Costa, Josepa; Rabaseda, Joaquin
Ítem Accés Obert A behavioral model of adaptation(Elsevier, 2023) Apesteguía, José; Ballester, Miguel A.; Cuhadaroglu, Tugce
Ítem Accés Obert A BRILS metaheuristic for non-smooth flow-shop problems with failure-risk costs(Elsevier, 2016) Ferrer, Alberto; Guimarans, Daniel; Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Helena; Juan, Angel A.
Ítem Accés Obert A categorization of relevant sequence alignment algorithms with respect to data structures(SAI Organization, 2020) El Haji, Hasna; Alaoui, Larbi
Ítem Accés Obert A cohort perspective of the effect of unemployment on fertility(Springer, 2017) Pifarré Arolas, Hèctor
Ítem Accés Obert A comparison of banks and real estate intermediaries as house sellers(Springer, 2022) García Montalvo, José; Raya, Josep M.
Ítem Accés Obert A double-edged sword: high interest rates in capital control regimes(De Gruyter, 2016) Gudmundsson, Gudmundur Stefan; Zoega, Gylfi
Ítem Accés Obert A framework for semantic text clustering(SAI Organization, 2020) Usuari de càrrega; EL Saili, Chama; Alaoui, Larbi
Ítem Accés Obert A hybrid GRASP-VNS for ship routing and scheduling problem with discretized time windows(Elsevier, 2015) De Armas, Jésica; Lalla-Ruiz, Eduardo; Expósito-Izquierdo, Christopher; Landa-Silva, Dario; Melián-Batista, Belén
Ítem Accés Obert A hybrid VNS-Lagrangean heuristic framework applied on single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times, release dates and due dates(Elsevier, 2022) Nogueira, Thiago Henrique; Ramalhinho-Lourenço, Helena; de Carvalho, Carlos R. V.; Gómez Ravetti, Martín
Ítem Accés Obert A lower bound for the volatility swap in the lognormal SABR model(MDPI, 2023) Alòs, Elisa; Rolloos, Frido; Shiraya, Kenichiro
Ítem Accés Obert A network solution to robust implementation: the case of identical but unknown distributions(Oxford University Press, 2023) Ollár, Mariann; Penta, Antonio
Ítem Accés Obert A new statistical methodology for evaluating the diffusion of milk in the Spanish population: consumer groups and milk consumption, 1865–1981(Elsevier, 2019) Hernández Adell, Ismael; Muñoz Pradas, Francisco; Pujol Andreu, Josep
Ítem Accés Obert A pandemic treaty for equitable global access to medical countermeasures: seven recommendations for sharing intellectual property, know-how and technology(BMJ Publishing Group, 2022) Perehudoff, Katrina; Hoen, Ellen 't; Mara, Kaitlin; Balasubramaniam, Thirukumaran; Abbott, Frederick; Baker, Brook; Boulet, Pascale; Kamal-Yanni, Mohga; Martin, Manuel; Munoz Tellez, Viviana; Natsis, Yannis; Ortún Rubio, Vicente; Rathod, Sandeep; Torrent, Maties; Vawda, Yousuf; Villarroel, Luis; Love, James
Ítem Accés Obert A propòsit de la redistribució de la renda(Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de la Vicepresidència i d’Economia i Hisenda, 2016) López i Casasnovas, Guillem
Ítem Accés Obert A propósito del aseguramiento sanitario privado(Elsevier, 2011) Ortún Rubio, Vicente
Ítem Accés Obert A propósito “El cálculo de las necesidades de gasto regionales: notas para la discusión” de Ángel de la Fuente, publicado en el nº 223-(4/2017)(Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2018) López i Casasnovas, Guillem; Rosselló Villalonga, Joan
Ítem Accés Obert A systematic literature review: relationships between the sharing economy, sustainability and sustainable development goals(MDPI, 2020) Boar, Andrei; Bastida Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic
Ítem Accés Obert A theory of economic unions(Elsevier, 2020) Gancia, Gino A.; Ponzetto, Giacomo A. M.; Ventura, Jaume