Grau en Estudis Internacionals d'Economia i Empresa. Treballs de fi de grau
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Examinant Grau en Estudis Internacionals d'Economia i Empresa. Treballs de fi de grau per Data de publicació
Resultats per pàgina
Opcions d'ordenació
Ítem Accés Obert Generic brands and product differentiation strategies(2013-08-01) Castañer Camps, Sandra; Coll Barneda, Maria; Gould Gavidia, Andrea; Hernández Uptegrove, Christie
Ítem Accés Obert The External validity in economic experiments(2013-08-01) Miquel Mateu, Mar
Ítem Accés Obert Application of theoretical models to financial innovation(2013-09-30) Garcia Bassa, Gerbert
Ítem Accés Obert The underestimation of compliance to direct help requests explained by adaptive sampling(2013-12-20) Arroyos Calvera, Danae
Ítem Accés Obert An insight into co-operativism(2014) Iruretagoyena Arriaza, Miren
Ítem Accés Obert Pensions and procrastination : how can employers help their employees save for the future?(2014-02-05) Fisher, Albert
Ítem Accés Obert Partial correlation : Network analysis(2014-04-02) Alarcón Heras, Oriol; Gordi Margalef, Albert
Ítem Accés Obert Organic food consumers: Does moral threat affect our perceptions of morally driven organic consumers?(2014-09-03) Daumal Pla, Rosa
Ítem Accés Obert Globalizing the elderly: an alternative living for the Golden Age(2014-09-09) Felip Díaz, Elisenda; Martínez Ruiz, Meritxell; Villà Aguilar, Xavier
Ítem Accés Obert Subliminal advertising : new experimental data on the power of sexual embeds(2014-10-01) Acuña Canals, Ana; Escobar Herrerias, Adriana
Ítem Accés Obert Partial correlation network analysis : is IBEX intercorrelated?(2014-10-28) Sans Fuentes, Carles
Ítem Accés Obert Marketing mix of the music industry in the United States and South Korea(2016) Zhao, Ruyi
Ítem Accés Obert The Spanish student housing market : a comparative analysis of its institutionalization process(2019) De la Torre Cuevas, Pablo; García Thorgersen, Erik; Simón Rúa, Martín; Vázquez Echeveste, Lucía
Ítem Accés Obert The effects of contractual regulation on the rental housing market(2019) Borrellas i Martín, Pol
Ítem Accés Obert How the exposure to a commodified experience may undermine its perceived comfort(2019) Carmona, Sandra; Lajara, Cinta; Torvà, Anna; Trobat, Maria
Ítem Accés Obert Are greenhouse gas emissions correlated with corruption? : a study on the relation between pollution and corruption through the Kyoto Protocol participants(2020) Iglesias Troche, Iván; Martí Trull, Neus
Ítem Accés Obert Circumventing traffic and pollution in Barcelona : why congestion pricing is preferable to a low emission zone(2020) Sanginés-Uriarte Dooly, Joel; Trepat i Izquierdo, Adrià
Ítem Accés Obert Micromobility and municipal regulatory changes : the case of eCooltra(2020) Roig Salvat, Cèlia; Salvadó Pérez, Pol Xavier; Tous Tendero, Maria Teresa
Ítem Accés Obert Comparative effectiveness of the ARMA-GARCH over simple strategies(2020) Sans Cipolliti, Ricardo
Ítem Accés Obert