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Obtaining a visa to study abroad is a complicated process associated with a lot of stress for students. The uncertainty of not having all the necessary documents or all forms filled out in the correct way leads to a real risk of not receiving the visa in a timely matter or even at all. SimplyVisa is a business proposal that focuses on solving visa application problems for American students by providing them with all the required information and support in order to save them time and stress. We offer a wide range of services from simple application checks to covering the entire process beginning-to-end. In the first years SimplyVisa will focus on providing this service for US students who desire to study in Barcelona. We found that the Spanish market has the most attractive features for our business; however, in the future this business model could be exported to other countries./nThe following thesis contains an external analysis of the United States, Spain, and the International Higher Education industry they share, which illustrates the attractiveness of doing our business between these two countries. Moreover, the business plan highlights a detailed marketing and operational strategy about our planned activities. Finally our financial analysis examines three different scenarios to accurately forecast the possible financial future of our business.Descripció
Master (Msc) in International Business. Master Thesis
Tutor: Jorge Mongay