Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviors
Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviors
- Ochoa C, Revilla M. Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviors. Behav Res Methods. 2023;55(3):1275-91. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-022-01872-x
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Surveys are a fundamental tool of empirical research, but they sufer from errors: in particular, respondents can have difculties recalling information of interest to researchers. Recent technological developments ofer new opportunities to collect data passively (i.e., without participant’s intervention), avoiding recall errors. One of these opportunities is registering online behaviors (e.g., visited URLs) through tracking software (“meter”) voluntarily installed by a sample of individuals on their browsing devices. Nevertheless, metered data are also afected by errors and only cover part of the objective information, while subjective information is not directly observable. Asking participants about such missing information by means of web surveys conducted in the moment an event of interest is detected by the meter has the potential to fll the gap. However, this method requires participants to be willing to participate. This paper explores the willingness to participate in in-the-moment web surveys triggered by online activities recorded by a participant-installed meter. A conjoint experiment implemented in an opt-in metered panel in Spain reveals overall high levels of willingness to participate among panelists already sharing metered data, ranging from 69% to 95%. The main aspects afecting this willingness are related to the incentive levels ofered. Limited diferences across participants are observed, except for household size and education. Answers to open questions also confrm that the incentive is the key driver of the decision to participate, whereas other potential problematic aspects such as the limited time to participate, privacy concerns, and discomfort caused by being interrupted play a limited role.