Code-switching practices in palestinian arabic

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  • Resum

    Code-switching (CS) is known as an ubiquitous phenomenon in multilingual societies and countries. Vernacular Palestinian Arabic variety spoken in Israel is among these languages, informally used for day-to-day conversations only. Such conversations appear to contain code— switched instances from Hebrew, the formal and dominant language of the country, even in settings where the need for CS seems to be unnecessary. This study examines the CS practices in PA and investigates the reason behind these CS instances in controlled settings and the correlation between bilingual dominance and CS. In the production-task interviews and Bilingual Language Profile test (BLP), there was a correlation between language dominance and CS; 13 participants were interviewed to elicit and analyze natural speech containing CS instances, along with undergoing a BLP test. The acceptability judgment task observed the limits and boundaries of different code-switched linguistic structures.
  • Descripció

    Treball de fi de màster en Lingüística Teòrica i Aplicada. Directora: Dra. Sílvia Perpiñan
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