Heco: healthy cooking

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    There is an issue of high importance affecting Mexico. Our unhealthy nutrition habits derived from our tight and busy schedules doesn’t allow us to adopt a healthy nutrition lifestyle which is one of the main causes of being the second country worldwide in obesity levels. Because of this we have identified a business opportunity in Mexico City, where nearly 4 M people are working and live with this constant struggle, 3.1% of these people are concerned about following a healthy lifestyle and could have the acquisitive power to be interested in our service. HeCo comes to offer a solution by creating a virtual kitchen service, through an app, where a person can pick up the meals they want to eat for their whole week and get them delivered to the most convenient location. By designing healthy meals, using eco-friendly packages and adopting a zero-waste policy, we want to become one of the main suppliers of meals to office employees in Mexico City. Our goal is to contribute to improve the Mexican’s health by allowing people to adopt an accurate diet. Following a weekly timetable, our operations would be focused on receiving the orders, grocery shopping, cooking the meals and delivering them to our customers. A customer can choose from a wide variety of healthy plans that would include breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Among the characteristics that makes us different we can mention that we offer a flexible service, the customer will only pay for what they order and no subscription fee is required. We are aware of the high environmental impact that waste has on the planet, this is why we want to be committed to target our actions in order to reduce this impact. In this sense, we will engage our customers in working with us in order to create conscious of left-overs, allowing them to cancel orders with or without refund according to our timetable and the cancelled meals could be donated to people in need. Our project will require an initial investment of 484,065 MXN and to support the first 8 months of operations, the founder will contribute with 750,000 MXN to the equity, a personal loan of 363,400 MXN from BBVA Bancomer with a maturity of 60 months at a 29.87% rate and a friends & family loan of 250,000 MXN due in 12 months and interest free. We are estimating to breakeven reaching the 9th month of operations.
  • Descripció

    Master of Science in Management (UPF Barcelona School of Management) Curs 2019-2020
    Mentor: Susana Domingo
    Premi BSM a 'Millor Iniciativa Empresarial Innovadora'
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