A food loss solution from a B2B perspective for the Catalan market
A food loss solution from a B2B perspective for the Catalan market
Enllaç permanent
The present end-of-degree paper explores the gap on food loss initiatives currently existing in Spain. It first gives an overview of the overall situation with a theoretical framework analyzing the Spanish food loss and waste market. After that, it focuses on the food loss concept and the present situation in the country, to find that there is potential for an innovative idea to increase circularity regarding food wastage at the first stages of the food chain. Finally, with the idea that food scraps for one party can be a resource for another, it develops a business model centered in Catalonia. Finally, it shows that with the right resources and capabilities, a network of cooperation and collaboration can be established among agents at the beginning of the food chain, and that this collaboration could be facilitated through a platform aiming at connecting businesses to positively impact themselves, society and the environment.Descripció
Treball de Fi de Grau en Estudis Internacionals d'Economia i Empresa. Curs 2020-2021
Tutora: Ainhoa Crespán Martínez
Treball guanyador del primer premi del 2021 del Premi Càtedra UNESCO ESCI-UPF i Barcelona School of Management - UPF als millors treballs de fi de grau (TFG) sobre temes de Benestar Planetari.