Pay equality for research staff. Regarding the STS of march 6, 2024
Pay equality for research staff. Regarding the STS of march 6, 2024
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The STS of March 6, 2024 resolves a collective dispute filed by different unions against the University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, in which claim the right of different postdoctoral researchers hired thanks to the financing of the Ramón y Cajal state programs and Juan de la Cierva and the postdoctoral program for the Improvement of Doctoral Research Personnel of the Basque Government, to receive the same salary as doctoral researchers hired directly by the university itself.
La STS 6 de marzo de 2024 resuelve un conflicto colectivo interpuesto por diferentes sindicatos contra la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, en el que se solicita el derecho de diferentes investigadores/as postdoctorales contratados/as gracias a la financiación de los programas estatales Ramón y Cajal y Juan de la Cierva y del programa postdoctoral de Perfeccionamiento del Personal investigador doctor del Gobierno Vasco, a percibir el mismo salario que los/las doctores/as investigadores/as contratados/as de manera directa por la propia universidad.Col·leccions
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