La libertad condicional es una institución cuya aplicación no se da con la frecuencia que debería para lograr una resocialización y reinserción adecuada. Para reducir las tasas de encarcelamiento y los costes que se derivan, así como para igualar las tasas de liberados condicionales en Cataluña con las del resto del Estado, se proponen posibles mejoras para la concesión del último grado penitenciario. Las propuestas se desarrollan a partir de una investigación empírica basada en una revisión exhaustiva ...
La libertad condicional es una institución cuya aplicación no se da con la frecuencia que debería para lograr una resocialización y reinserción adecuada. Para reducir las tasas de encarcelamiento y los costes que se derivan, así como para igualar las tasas de liberados condicionales en Cataluña con las del resto del Estado, se proponen posibles mejoras para la concesión del último grado penitenciario. Las propuestas se desarrollan a partir de una investigación empírica basada en una revisión exhaustiva de los informes de pronóstico de reinserción de la Junta de Tratamiento y las resoluciones del Fiscal de Vigilancia Penitenciaria./nSe formularán propuestas generales y específicas. Las primeras estarán encabezadas a modificar el punitivismo de la sociedad y la implementación de la libertad condicional. Las segundas estarán orientadas a focalizar el último grado penitenciario también a internos con alto riesgo de reincidencia, siempre y cuando se les proporcione una intervención intensiva; a mejorar y tratar tanto los factores estáticos como los dinámicos –hábitos laborales, toxicomanías, apoyo familiar– para facilitar el acceso a la libertad condicional según los actuales requisitos; a concienciar sobre la importancia de satisfacer la responsabilidad civil y a seguir la línea del modelo de riesgo, necesidad y responsividad./n/nABSTRACT/nParole is an institution whose application does not occur as often as it should to achieve resocialization and reintegration adequately. To reduce incarceration rates and its costs, as well as to equalize Catalonia’s parole rates with the rest of the state, it is suggested possible improvements for the last grade prison’s granting. The proposals were developed from an empirical research based on the analysis of the Treatment Assembly’s forecast reports reintegration and the Fiscal’s resolutions./nIt will be formulated general and specific proposals. The first one will be led to modify society’s punitivity and parole’s implementation. The second one will be directed on focusing parole in high risk prison inmates, as long as they have an intensive intervention; on improving and treat both static and dynamic factors –work habits, addictions, family support– to facilitate the access on parole under the current requirements; on raising the importance of paying the civil liability and follow the principles of the model of risk, needs and responsivity.
Parole is an institution whose application does not occur as often as it should to achieve resocialization and reintegration adequately. To reduce incarceration rates and its costs, as well as to equalize Catalonia’s parole rates with the rest of the state, it is suggested possible improvements for the last grade prison’s granting. The proposals were developed from an empirical research based on the analysis of the Treatment Assembly’s forecast reports reintegration and the Fiscal’s resolutions./nIt ...
Parole is an institution whose application does not occur as often as it should to achieve resocialization and reintegration adequately. To reduce incarceration rates and its costs, as well as to equalize Catalonia’s parole rates with the rest of the state, it is suggested possible improvements for the last grade prison’s granting. The proposals were developed from an empirical research based on the analysis of the Treatment Assembly’s forecast reports reintegration and the Fiscal’s resolutions./nIt will be formulated general and specific proposals. The first one will be led to modify society’s punitivity and parole’s implementation. The second one will be directed on focusing parole in high risk prison inmates, as long as they have an intensive intervention; on improving and treat both static and dynamic factors –work habits, addictions, family support– to facilitate the access on parole under the current requirements; on raising the importance of paying the civil liability and follow the principles of the model of risk, needs and responsivity.