Dynamics, evolution and information in nonlinear dynamical systems of replicators
Dynamics, evolution and information in nonlinear dynamical systems of replicators
Enllaç permanent
En aquesta tesi he investigat diversos camps de la biologia que podrien englobar-se en la disciplina general dels sistemes no lineals de replicadors. Els treballs presentats en aquesta tesis investiguen diversos fenomens dinàmics i processos evolutius per virus de RNA, pels anomenats hipercicles i per models generals de replicadors antagonistes. Específicament he investigat les anomenades quasiespècies, utilitzades per a modelitzar poblacions de RNA. Els treballs sobre hipercicles exploren diversos fenomens previs a l'origen de la vida i a l'aparició de la primera cèl.lula vivent. Mitjançant models ecològics com també utilitzant diferents eines computacionals he estudiat l'anomenada hipòtesi de la Reina Roja per entitats replicadores simples amb mutació. Aquests estudis tenen un interès en el contexte de l'evolució prebiòtica i l'ecologia teòrica.
In this thesis I have investigated several fields of biology that can be classified in the general subject of replicator nonlinear systems. The works presented in the thesis investigate several dynamical phenomena and evolutionary processes for RNA viruses, for hypercycles and for general models on antagonistic replicator dynamics. I have specifically investigated the dynamics of so-called quasispecies, used for the modelization of RNA populations. The works on hypercycles explore several phenomena related to previous events to the origin of life and to the appearance of the first living cell. By means of some ecologically-based mathematical models as well as of some computational models we also investigate the so-called Red Queen hypothesis for small, replicating-mutating entities. These studies are of interest in the context of prebiotic evolution and theoretical ecology.
Programa de doctorat en BiomedicinaDirector i departament
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