Enviaments recents
Ítem Accés Obert EU foreign policy in a fragmenting international order(SpringerNature, 2025) Costa, Oriol; Soler i Lecha, Eduard; Vlaskamp, Martijn
Ítem Accés Obert European Union-Latin American interregional relations: taking stock and looking ahead(Springer, 2025) Bianculli, Andrea C.; Brossa, Laia; Jordana, Jacint
Ítem Accés Obert Looking for resource sovereignty in a fragmenting global order: the EU’s response to critical raw materials challenges(SpringerNature, 2025) Vlaskamp, Martijn
Ítem Accés Obert EU foreign policy and the fragmentation of the international order: a framework for analysis(SpringerNature, 2025) Costa, Oriol; Soler i Lecha, Eduard; Vlaskamp, Martijn
Ítem Accés Obert Taking stock on the role of the EU in a fragmenting international order(SpringerNature, 2025) Costa, Oriol; Barbé, Esther
Ítem Accés Obert The EU’s response to the fragmented emergence of artificial intelligence(SpringerNature, 2025) Dini, Giovanni
Ítem Accés Obert The European Union’s role in global health: embracing governance complexity?(SpringerNature, 2025) Fernández, Óscar; Kissack, Robert
Ítem Accés Obert The European Union and the fragmentation of the international human rights regime: the case of violence against women(SpringerNature, 2025) Badell Sánchez, Diego; Barbé, Esther
Ítem Accés Obert Strategic autonomy in security and defence as an impracticability? How the European Union’s rhetoric meets reality(SpringerNature, 2025) Michaels, Eva; Sus, Monika
Ítem Accés Obert Multi-level governance in quality assurance in Spain: the case of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA)(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019) García Juanatey, Ana; Jordana, Jacint; Sancho, David, 1964-
Ítem Accés Obert How do third parties react to commodity sanctions?(Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2023) Vlaskamp, Martijn
Ítem Embargament Individualization and collectivization in contexts of organized criminal violence: the case of Mexico’s War on organized crime(Oxford University Press, 2023) Kalmanovitz, Pablo; Bradley, Miriam
Ítem Accés Obert Sociedad internacional híbrida: gobernanza, solidarismo y soberanismo(Fundación Carolina, 2024) Barbé, Esther
Ítem Accés Obert State institutions in north Taiwan versus south Taiwan(University of Michigan Press, 2024) Wu, Chun-Ying; Liu, Amy H.
Ítem Accés Obert Functional inequality in Latin America: news from the twentieth century(SpringerNature, 2017) Astorga Junquera, Pablo
Ítem Embargament Interregionalism, trade and standardization: the long road to the EU-MERCOSUR trade agreement and the uncertainties ahead(Oxford University Press, 2023) Bianculli, Andrea C.
Ítem Accés Obert Agenda dynamics in Spain(Oxford University Press, 2019) Chaqués Bonafont, Laura; Palau, Anna M.; Muñoz Márquez, Luz
Ítem Accés Obert Public administration and democracy: the complementarity principle(Cambridge University Press, 2022) Bertelli, Anthony M.; Schwartz, Lindsey J.
Ítem Accés Obert Boko Haram in Nigeria: R2P and non‐state armed groups(Springer, 2022) Açikyildiz, Çaglar
Ítem Accés Obert Spanish foreign policy: navigating global shifts and domestic crises(Springer, 2021) Soler i Lecha, Eduard; Barbé, Esther