Three theories of liberalism for the three theories of federalism. A Hegelian turn

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  • Requejo, Ferran, 1951-ca
  • dc.contributor.other Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socialsca
  • dc.contributor.other Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Grup de Recerca en Teoria Políticaca
  • 2012-07-11T01:53:27Z
  • 2012-07-11T01:53:27Z
  • 2009-11-09T10:18:07Zca
  • 2012-07-10T07:27:35Zca
  • dc.description.abstract This paper links different political liberal theories, considered from the perspective of their moral ontology, with federal democracies. After giving a brief description of these theories, I discuss their relationship with the theoretical and institutional models of federalism. As methodological tools, the paper introduces some Hegel’s political concepts and deals with their potential application to the analysis of federalism, taken into account the case of minorities in multinational democracies. I postulate the need for a moral and institutional refinement of liberal-democratic patterns that is better able to accommodate national pluralism than has so far been achieved by traditional
  • dc.format 38
  • dc.format 366038 bytesca
  • dc.format application/pdfca
  • dc.identifier
  • dc.identifier.uri
  • dc.language.iso engca
  • dc.rights.uri Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús de Creative Commons, amb la qual es permet copiar, distribuir i comunicar públicament l'obra sempre que se'n citin l'autor original, la universitat i el departament i no se'n faci cap ús comercial ni obra derivada, tal com queda estipulat en la llicència d'ús (
  • dc.subject.other Federalismeca
  • dc.subject.other Liberalismeca
  • dc.subject.other Democràciaca
  • dc.title Three theories of liberalism for the three theories of federalism. A Hegelian turnca
  • dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaperca