Turkish makam acapella sections dataset


  • CompMusic. Turkish makam acapella sections dataset [dataset]. Repositori Digital de la UPF: Barcelona; 2015 [citat 25 novembre 2016]. Disponible a: http://hdl.handle.net/10230/27606

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  • Resum

    Turkish makam acapella sections dataset is sung by professional singers and is a collection of recordings of compositions from the vocal form şarkı. They are selected to be the same as the recordings in version two of http://compmusic.upf.edu/turkish-sarki/nThe main intention is to provide acapella counterpart to polyphonic recordings.
  • Descripció

    Audio music content: /nThe collection has annotations with section, lyrics phrases and lyrics words. Each section, lyrics word and lyrical phrase is aligned to its corresponding segment in the audio. Annotations of secitons (aranağme, zemin etc.) are taken from https://github.com/MTG/turkish_makam_section_dataset/nFORMAT: All annotations in TextGrid (used in Praat)
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