Analyzing Hu Shi's role in Baihua (白话) movement during May fourth period

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  • Resum

    This thesis addresses to the reform of written vernacular language that has been initiated by Chinese intellectual Hu Shi during the May fourth period and how the literary reform which is known as the Baihua Movement was achieved. Early 20th century witnessed, without a doubt, one of the most important movements in Chinese history; which is referred as May Fourth Movement. Intellectuals at the time craved for creating a new culture, especially since the realization of China’s weak position and backwardness after getting into contact with Western nations. Devotion to Confucian tradition was regarded as the foremost obstacle to modernize China. Thus, Confucianism was depicted as enemy and was used in a slogan “Down with Confucius and sons” (Staiger, 68).
  • Descripció

    Treball de fi de Màster en Estudis Xinesos. Curs acadèmic (2015-2016)
    Director: Manel Ollé
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