Third version (v4) of the integrated platform and documentation


  • Poch M, Hamon O, Quochi V, Del Gratta R, Toral A, Thurmair G, Prokopidis P, Bel N. Third version (v4) of the integrated platform and documentation [Internet]. Final report Dec 2012. 59 p. (Panacea Project. Work Package Reports, no. D3.4). Available from:

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  • Descripció

    The 3rd version of the platform is working and WP4, WP5 and WP6 tools are deployed as web services. Common Interfaces (CI) and Travelling Object (TO) for new WP5 and WP6 have been devised.The Registry, deployed for the 1st version of the platform, is operational and has been updated with some new features. It has now more than 120 registered web services. The PANACEA/nmyExperiment portal was deployed to share workflows among users who can then execute those workflows with Taverna. Massive data solutions were developed during the second development cycles that have been used since then. New statistics, storage and security features have been addressed and studied. This deliverable will present all the work developed for the third version of the platform and its documentation.
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