Immigrants' perceptions on integration in two institutional frameworks: Sweden and Spain

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  • Hellgren, Zenia
  • dc.contributor.other GRITIM-UPFca
  • 2021-05-18T14:12:15Z
  • 2021-05-18T14:12:15Z
  • 2016-06
  • dc.description Final project report, June 2016ca
  • dc.description.abstract This research project examines how immigrants of diverse ethnic origins perceive their integration, or incorporation, in two European multi-ethnic societies, Sweden and Spain, and cities, Stockholm and Barcelona. A central assumption is that immigrants' own sense of social inclusion and fair treatment is essential for their wellbeing, as well as for their willingness to integrate. Negative experiences as discrimination and perceived non-acceptance are likely to decrease solidarity and identification with society. The emphasis lies on two central dimensions of self-perceived integration, or incorporation: i) the sense of belonging and ii) the perception of opportunities. Integration is in this project defined as the process towards egalitarian coexistence in multi-ethnic
  • dc.format.mimetype application/pdf*
  • dc.identifier.uri
  • dc.language.iso engca
  • dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessca
  • dc.title Immigrants' perceptions on integration in two institutional frameworks: Sweden and Spainca
  • dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/reportca