The evolution of adult height in Europe: A brief note

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  • Garcia Villar, Jaume, 1956-ca
  • Quintana-Domeque, Climentca
  • dc.contributor.other Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament d'Economia i Empresa
  • 2017-07-26T10:50:20Z
  • 2017-07-26T10:50:20Z
  • 2006-12-01
  • 2017-07-23T02:10:56Z
  • dc.description.abstract This paper presents new evidence on the evolution of adult height in 10 European countries for cohorts born between 1950 and 1980 using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), which collects height data from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Our findings show a gradual increase in adult height across all countries. However, countries from Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) experienced higher gains in stature than those located in Northern Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland and Sweden).
  • dc.format.mimetype application/pdfca
  • dc.identifier
  • dc.identifier.citation Economics and Human Biology
  • dc.identifier.uri
  • dc.language.iso eng
  • dc.relation.ispartofseries Economics and Business Working Papers Series; 1002
  • dc.rights L'accés als continguts d'aquest document queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons
  • dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
  • dc.rights.uri
  • dc.subject.keyword europe
  • dc.subject.keyword height
  • dc.subject.keyword echp
  • dc.title The evolution of adult height in Europe: A brief noteca
  • dc.title.alternative Vol. 5, 2007, pp. 340-349
  • dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper