MERE 2020: Meta Research Conference


  • Hernández-Leo D, Michos K, editors. MERE 2020: Meta Research Conference. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions, 2021. 468p.

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  • Resum

    This document collects a selection of papers written by master’s students in the context of the “Research Methods” course common to the Master’s Programmes in Sound and Music Computing, Intelligent and Interactive Systems, Computational Biomedical Engineering, of the Information and Communication Technology Department at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, during the 2020-2021 academic year. The papers were written as part of an integrative assignment entitled “Meta- Research”, where students were expected to do a small piece of research about a transversal research topic. Students worked in teams and selected a topic, among those suggested in Table 1. A refinement of the topic, the particular research questions to study and the methodology to apply were proposed by the students and discussed with the course educators in tutoring sessions. A total of 22 papers were written by the students and presented in the classroom. Assessment included peerreview by students through a conference management program. The papers were revised by the authors considering the peer-review feedback and presented in a simulated scientific conference. Papers tackle the following topics: ethical principles and values, research integrity, open science, writing and presenting research.
  • Descripció

    Conté els articles següents: Ethics and AI: Technical Issue or Social Challenge? / Emma Fraxanet Morales, Pau Nonell Isach and Claudio Sánchez Pérez de Amézaga ; Finding the common ground between methodological and ethical guidelines for Artificial Intelligence-based research in medicine / McFadden, Guillem Simeon and Queralt Martín-Saladich, William ; Impact of ethical and political restrictions on AI-based healthcare and facial recognition literature. / Itziar Busquets Sáez, Clara Sales Bellés and Roger López Santaló ; An assessment of the impact of bias on Single-Blind Peer Review versus other Review Methods / Jordan Harris, Lubna Hakami and Maria Mancheno ; Different approaches to LAWS regulation / Arnau Colom, Josep Ferrer and David Moreno ; Analysis of the concerns and the involvement in the ethics of AI across different areas of knowledge / Ona Baguer Colomer, Ferran Martínez Felipe and Victor Šimić de Torres ; Perspectives on the science reproducibility crisis: Which are its hallmarks and how can we overcome it? / Antònia Alomar Adrover, Pau Brunet Escobar and Alba Isabel Roquero ; The evolution of academic writing readability in highly proficient researchers / Logan Stillings, Markús Sigurbjörnsson and Esteban Gómez ; Impact of Open Data and Open Access on research outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic / Aida Perramon, Eric Planas and Maria Inmaculada Villanueva ; Data-driven analysis of Kaggle: Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic / César Acebes-Pinilla, Victor Garcia-Reolid and Maxime Talarmain ; Open Access in Sound and Music Computing Scholarly Journals / Marina Nieto Giménez, Gonzalo Nieto Montero and Teresa Pelinski Ramos ; Peer-review and Blockchain: A comprehensive review / Morgan Buisson, Rubén Eguinoa Cabrito and Valentín Malpica Gómez ; Biases and faults in MIR datasets: A literature review / Genis Plaja and Pedro Ramoneda ; A 30-year Data-driven Analysis on Open Accessibility of Academic Publications in Spain / Azim Mazinani, Magí Dalmau Moreno and Johannes S. Fischer ; Impact of International Music Copyright on Music Technology Research / Vanessa Nina Borsan, Benedikt Wimmer and Aditya Bhattacharjee ; Comparison of research production between countries with high and low GDP: Need of Open Science / Paula Morales, Mayra Morello and Yogesh Paul ; The impact of free-up patents and their connection with Open Source Perspective / Natalia Pattarone, Iñaki Lorente Azcaiturrieta and Sayan Goswami ; Towards metrics standardization in biomedical image segmentation challenges / Carlos Albors Lucas, Pablo Gonzalez Martin and Juan Garrido Oliver ; A study of the impact of open access articles / Clara Matencio, Ana Mestre and Joel Moreno ; Potential Limitations and Biases on Publicly Available Datasets for Key Estimation / Gabriel Bibbó, Cheuk Lun Isaac Lee and Nicolás Schmidt ; Measuring impact of open science in COVID-19 academic research / Alejandro Garcia Carballo, Shixiao Du and Xiao Li ; Overall impact of formal aspects in a publication. What makes a difference? / Jose Daniel Guerrero Belfiore, Colm Forkin and Melina Estela Dalmau
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