Quan no hi ha prou per repartir : com distribuir drets d’emissió de co2

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  • Resum

    This research work is devoted to the study of how CO2 permits should be distributed among the economic agents that provoke CO2 emissions. We take the proportional and the egalitarian (in different versions) approach to the allocation of the amount of CO2 that would cause an increase of 2ºC in the temperature of the Earth in 2050 according to the demands made by the 5 regions considered in the IPCC reports and for the most pessimistic scenario in such reports (RCP 8.5). We point out that a discussion about the relevant agents to be taken into consideration in the bargaining problem of CO2 permits are crucial, by observing that the amount received by the regions drastically change if we formulate the problem by means of the population of the regions instead. Finally, we study what rules are manipulable by the definition of the agents and by merging and splitting movements of those. We conclude that non-manipulability is equivalent to proportionality and then, in contradiction with egalitarianism.
  • Descripció

    Treball guanyador del XVè Premi UPF al Millor Treball de Recerca en Economia i Empresa (Curs 2020-2021)
    Treball tutoritzat per Natacha Peña i Pere Calleja de l'Institut Verdaguer (Barcelona)
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