Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has attracted some attention in the research
field of physically-based rendering. This thesis explores a deeper connection between
both fields. In particular, we identify the light transport equations (LTE) used in
physically-based rendering with the Bellman expectation equations used in optimal
control. With this identification, we formulate an optimal control problem that
can be used for scene rendering based on the framework of linearly-solvable Markov
decision ...
Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has attracted some attention in the research
field of physically-based rendering. This thesis explores a deeper connection between
both fields. In particular, we identify the light transport equations (LTE) used in
physically-based rendering with the Bellman expectation equations used in optimal
control. With this identification, we formulate an optimal control problem that
can be used for scene rendering based on the framework of linearly-solvable Markov
decision processes. This formulation provides a novel perspective on the use of RL
techniques for rendering.