Examinant per Autoria "Fundacion Tekniker"
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Ítem Accés Obert INGENIOUS: the first responder of the future. A next generation integrated toolkit for collaborative response, increasing protection and augmenting operational capacity.(SafeCorfu, 2019) Institute of Communications and Computer Systems; Universiteit Twente; Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt; Diginext; Fundacion Tekniker; Exus; SINTEF; Center for Research & Technology Hellas; Totalförvarets Forskningsinstitut; SATWAYS; Alpes Lasers; Technische Universitaet Wien; Cyprus Research & Innovation Center; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; SingularLogic; Korea Institute of Robot & Convergence; Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Seguridad; Hopitaux de Paris