Examinant per Autoria "Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-"
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Ítem Accés Obert Detection and characterization of clostebol sulfate metabolites in Caucasian population.(Elsevier, 2016) Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Garrostas, Lorena; Esquivel López, Argitxu, 1989-; Matabosch Geronès, Xavier; Kotronoulas, Aristotelis; Joglar Tamargo, Jesús; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Ítem Accés Obert Detection of stanozolol O- and N-sulfate metabolites and their evaluation as additional markers in doping control(Wiley, 2017) Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Matabosch Geronès, Xavier; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Ítem Accés Obert LC-MS/MS detection of unaltered glucuronoconjugated metabolites of metandienone(Wiley, 2017) Esquivel López, Argitxu, 1989-; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Garrostas, Lorena; Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Gómez Castellà, Cristina, 1985-; Kotronoulas, Aristotelis; Joglar Tamargo, Jesús; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Ítem Accés Obert Screening for anabolic steroids in sports: analytical strategy based on the detection of phase I and phase II intact urinary metabolites by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(Elsevier, 2015) Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Esquivel López, Argitxu, 1989-; Kotronoulas, Aristotelis; Joglar Tamargo, Jesús; Segura Noguera, Jordi; Ventura Alemany, Rosa
Ítem Accés Obert Sulfate metabolites as alternative markers for the detection of 4-chlorometandienone misuse in doping control(Wiley, 2017) Balcells Aribau, Georgina, 1987-; Gómez, Cristina; Garrostas, Lorena; Pozo Mendoza, Óscar J., 1975-; Ventura Alemany, Rosa