Focused transhepatic electroporation mediated by hypersaline infusion through the portal vein in murine model : Preliminary results on differential conductivity and safety
Focused transhepatic electroporation mediated by hypersaline infusion through the portal vein in murine model : Preliminary results on differential conductivity and safety
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INTRODUCCIÓN: Este estudio evalúa el aumento selectivo de la conductividad hepática mediante la infusión hipersalina en el sistema portomesentérico para tratar simultáneamente todos los tumores hepáticos mediante electroporación irreversible. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: La estandarización de la técnica fue con ratón. Se emplearon ratas Sprague Dawley(n=20) y ratas atímicas con tumor hepático(n=8). La infusión de NaCl (20%) fue por punción transesplénica. Se monitorizó la conductividad entre tejido sano y tumoral. Se realizó seguimiento analítico e histológico. RESULTADOS: La conductividad hepática máxima fue 1,4 veces mayor que el tejido tumoral durante 175±115,23 segundos. La natremia se normalizó a las 24h postinfusión. La acidosis y la hipertransaminasemia (24h) se asociaron con la mortalidad. La diferencia de necrosis hepática entre ratas sobrevivientes/no-sobrevivientes fue significativa.
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluates the selective increase in liver conductivity by hypersaline infusion through the portomesenteric system in order to treat all the hepatic tumors simultaneously by irreversible electroporation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The standardization of the technique was with mice. Sprague Dawley rats(n=20) and athymic rats with liver tumor(n=8) were used. The infusion of NaCl (20%) was by transesplenic puncture. The conductivity between healthy and tumor tissue was monitored. Analytical and histological follow-up was performed. RESULTS: The maximum hepatic conductivity was 1.4 times higher than the tumor tissue during 175±115.23 seconds. The natremia was normalized at 24h post-infusion. Acidosis and hypertransaminasemia (24h) were associated with mortality. The difference in liver necrosis among surviving/non-surviving rats was significant. CONCLUSION: Hypersaline infusion increases liver conductivity, which could let focus irreversible electroporation into hepatic tumors. However, side effects of such infusion should be considered.
Programa de doctorat en BiomedicinaCol·leccions
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