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Browsing Llibres (Departament de Comunicació) by Subject "SEO"

Browsing Llibres (Departament de Comunicació) by Subject "SEO"

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  • Santos-Hermosa, Gema; Lopezosa, Carlos; Codina, Lluís (Universitat Pompeu FabraEPI (El Profesional de la Información), 2022)
    We analyse interactivity in the digital press, focusing our study specifically on aspects related to user experience and user options for interaction. In so doing, our objective is the improvement of digital communication, ...
  • Lopezosa, Carlos; Trillo Domínguez, Magdalena; Cabrera, Marga; Codina, Lluís (Universitat Pompeu FabraEPI (El Profesional de la Información), 2022)
    Given the confirmation of the fundamental role of the application of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in digital news media as part of the media's commitment to its readers, this chapter proposes to analyze the process ...
  • Freixa Font, Pere; Codina, Lluís; Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, Mario; Guallar, Javier (Universitat Pompeu FabraEPI (El Profesional de la Información), 2022)
    The digital media have undergone an unprecedented transformation in recent years by exploiting the combined communicative potential of interaction and visualisation, generating, in this way, new narrative forms and ...

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