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Browsing Congressos (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Subject "Web audio"

Browsing Congressos (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Subject "Web audio"

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  • Bandiera, Giuseppe; Font Corbera, Frederic (2017)
    Freesound Explorer is a visual interface for exploring Freesound content in a two-dimensional space and creating music by linking content in that space. Freesound Explorer is implemented as a web application which takes ...
  • Roma Trepat, Gerard; Serra, Xavier (Web Audio Conference, 2015)
    Technologies for discovering sounds in large databases can help breaking the boundary between exploration and music performance. In this paper, we present a system for exploring loops from Freesound. Sound files are grouped ...
  • Roma Trepat, Gerard; Serra, Xavier (Web Audio Conference, 2015)
    On the web, searching for sounds is usually limited to text queries. This requires adding textual descriptions to each audio file, which is indexed effectively as a text document. Recent developments in browser technologies ...

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