Browsing by Author "Steels, Luc"

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  • Beuls, Katrien; Steels, Luc (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2013)
    Grammatical agreement means that features associated with one linguistic unit (for example number or gender) become associated with another unit and then possibly overtly expressed, typically with morphological markers. ...
  • Steels, Luc; Garcia Casademont, Emília, 1987- (De Gruyter, 2015)
    The paper argues that syntax is motivated by the need to avoid combinatorial search in parsing and semantic ambiguity in interpretation. It reports on a case study for the emergence and sharing of first-order phrase ...
  • Willaert, Tom; Van Eecke, Paul; Beuls, Katrien; Steels, Luc (SAGE Publications, 2020)
    Social media house a trove of relevant information for the study of online opinion dynamics. However, harvesting and analyzing the sheer overload of data that is produced by these media poses immense challenges to journalists, ...
  • Garcia Casademont, Emília (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019-01-17)
    Many human languages in the world exhibit phrase structure. Phrase structure combines words, phrases, and both, into phrases, and it may empower language systems to exploit recursion. This thesis pushes forward the hypothesis ...
  • Steels, Luc (IOS Press, 2015)
    This book is the third in a sequence of books reflecting on the future of learning, and more specifically, how computers can give support to long-distance education. [1], [2]. This challenge has recently become the focal ...
  • Steels, Luc (IOS Press, 2015)
    Flow theory is a way to explain how humans can be self-motivated and reach a state of high focus and intense, very effective learning. Usually this theory is merely descriptive but recently it has also been operationalized ...
  • Steels, Luc; López de Mántaras, Ramon (IOS Press, 2018)
    The rapidly increasing deployment of AI raises societal issues about its safety, reliability, robustness, fairness and moral integrity. This paper reports on a declaration intended as a code of conduct for AI researchers ...
  • Steels, Luc (IOS Press, 2015)
    A MOOC is a Massively Online Open Course. It is massive because there are many students (sometimes hundreds of thousands). It is online because it uses the Internet for course delivery. It is open because it is publically ...
  • Steels, Luc; Szathmáry, Eörs (Elsevier, 2017)
    The well-established framework of evolutionary dynamics can be applied to the fascinating open problems how human brains are able to acquire and adapt language and how languages change in a population. Schemas for handling ...
  • Steels, Luc (Elsevier, 1995)
    The paper explores a biologically inspired definition of intelligent autonomous agents. Intelligence is related to whether behavior of a system contributes to its self-maintenance. Behavior becomes more intelligent (or ...

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